The dog absorbs the artifact
The dog absorbs the artifact

the dog absorbs the artifact

They start as a normal artifact but as you feed it, it will grow to colorless, red, orange and so on. Of these artifacts, there are some that can grow by feeding them runes which are called Growing Artifacts.

the dog absorbs the artifact

  • To use a orange artifact the user must have at least one orange rune.
  • To use a red artifact the user must have at least one red rune.
  • To use a colorless artifact the user must have at least one colorless rune.
  • To use an artifact of a certain Rune color, one must have at least one rune that is on that color or higher. There are countless artifacts that exist and more than one can exist at the same time due to God and the Fairy's ability to copy artifacts.

    the dog absorbs the artifact

    All weapons, armors, jewelries and other gears that have some sort of special ability/effect are categorized under artifacts.

    The dog absorbs the artifact